Gender analysis matrix pdf file

When you use a framework, these values and assumptions will ultimately influence the type of development interventions you select. To get an overview of different gender analysis frameworks and tools. Analsis f budget prgrammes frm gender perspectie introduction the. Build participants capacity to plan, conduct and evaluate gender training. A gender analysis recognizes that women and men have different social roles, responsibilities, opportunities, and needs. This document is a condensed version of a full gender analysis of a food security program in ethiopia. Provide information and knowledge on gender and how it impacts on development. Gender analysis is the basis for gender mainstreaming. The chosen focus reflects a set of values and assumptions on the part of the frameworks designers. It determines whether besides gender mainstreaming there is a need for specific actions for women. Capacities and vulnerabilities assessment framework cva.

The gender analysis matrix gam, developed by rani parker, is a tool. Gender analysis frameworks are stepbystep tools for carrying out gender analysis, which help to raise questions, analyze information, and develop strategies to increase womens and mens participation in and benefits from projects and programmes. Gender analysis is a tool for examining the differences between the roles that women and men play, the different levels of power they hold, their differing needs, constraints and opportunities, and the impact of these differences on their lives. The aim of this gender training toolkit is the systematic integration of gender equality sensitivity, awareness and analysis into world vision ministry.

This guide is a handson working document developed by status. Gender analysis should be conducted at all levels, from the grassroots the micro level through intermediate levels meso level such as service delivery systems, to the highest. Gender analysis an organized approach for considering gender issues in the entire process of program or organizational development. A matrix and analysis of gender equality laws and policies. Capacities and vulnerabilities assessment framework cva the cva is designed on the premise that peoples existing strengths or capacities and weaknesses or vulnerabilities determine the impact that a crisis has on them, as well as the way they respond to the crisis. Matrix gam includes men as one of its four categories of analysis and can. This requires sexdisaggregated data and ensures that development projects and programmes incorporate roles, needs and participation of women, men, girls and boys. Gender analysis is a tool for examining the differences between the roles that women and men play, the different levels of power they hold, their differing needs, constraints and opportunities, and the. Gender analysis is a framework for analyzing the cultural, economic, social, civil, legal, and political relations between women and men. However, we have kept this document focused on a set of guiding principles and minimum standards to ensure the gender analysis produces information. In the first section of this manual an overview of definitions related to gender are provided. Summary of the gender analysis matrix gam framework. Gender analysis toolkit for key population hiv prevention.

This publication is made possible by the support of the american people through. Gender equality is upheld in local frameworks such as the 1995 constitution, vision 2040, the national development plan, the equal opportunities commission act 2007 and the national youth policy, to mention but a few. A guide for policymaking introduction in 1995, the federal government adopted a policy requiring federal departments and agencies to conduct genderbased analysis of future policies and legislation, where appropriate. The gender analysis matrix gam, developed by rani parker, is a tool that uses participatory approaches to identify how a particular agricultural production, processing or marketing practice impacts men and women differently in the community. Gender training toolkit world vision international. The aim may just be to show that gender relations will probably affect the solution, or to show how they will affect the solution and what could be done. Gender inequality and discrimination analysis report. Genderanalysis frameworks concentrate on certain factors in womens and mens lives.

Produce plans of action and mechanisms for followup in mainstreaming gender in programmes and projects. Gender analysis recognises that, to the extent that a policyprogramproject has an impact on people, it will very likely have different impacts on women and men because they have different roles in society. The use of participatory approach, where a group of men or women. The methodology and components of gender analysis are shaped by how gender issues are understood in the institution concerned. It was prepared by juliet hunt, consultant, under the supervision of shireen lateef, senior advisor gender, adb. We hope that program staff will use this condensed version as a template when conducting their own gender analyses. A manual on gender analysis mining for grassroots workers, a rani parker, published by unifem, 1993, and reprinted by womens ink. It has been developed to reflect undps needs in particular. This document is based on the original research for a gender analysis commissioned by unicef sierra leone, to inform its situation analysis and next wave of country programme planning in 2014. The gender analysis matrix is presented in a very userfriendly training manual.

Gender analysis is a type of socioeconomic analysis that uncovers how gender relations affect a development problem. An analysis of gender issues must also recognise the other. The main sections exclusively focus on gender analysis frameworks and their. There is no original or primary gender a drag imitates, but gender is a kind of. Gender analysis is part of a wider drive towards gender mainstreaming, that is, building.

Gender analysis identifies differences in the social situations of women and men, and designs. It was modified and expanded to respond to a demand for a broad overview of gender issues in sierra leone. There are a number of different approaches to gender analysis, including the gender roles or harvard framework, and social relations analysis. Understanding these differences aids in influencing policy, programmes, and projects to best meet the needs of men, women, boys, and girls. Undp learning and information pack gender analysis draft page 1 of 4 explanatory note this information pack is intended for use both as a basic resource on gender analysis for the interested reader or for use in a training setting. A gender analysis includes information on women, men, girls and boys in terms of their division of labour, roles and responsibilities, access to, and control over. The first step in a mainstreaming strategy is the assessment of how and why gender differences and inequalities are relevant to the subject under discussion. The assessment provides an example of what a gender analysis looks like and the questions it seeks to answeras well as how to collect the data, analyze findings, and. A guide to genderanalysis frameworks national democratic. Uganda has also ratified international instruments such as cedaw, the maputo declaration on gender mainstreaming 2003. Gender analysis is the critical starting point for gender mainstreaming.

This paper is the product of a culturally relevant, gender based analysis of the existing literature, law and statistics related to exploration and mining activities that may have disproportionately positive and negative effects on indigenous women, girls, twospirited, and gender diverse persons. The gender analysis matrix is an analytical tool that uses participatory methodology to facilitate the definition and analysis of gender issues by the communities that are affected by them. Integrating gender and nutrition within agricultural. The gender roles framework focuses on describing womens and. Gender analysis of school curriculum and text books unesco, islamabad, 2004 principal author dr. The gender analysis matrix gam, developed by rani parker, is a. Report on the uganda ministry of healths gender inequality and discrimination analysis xi executive summary study rationale, objectives, and major questions the purpose of the gender discrimination and inequality analysis gdia was to assess the.

Due to the genderbased division of labour, patterns of occupational exposure. In addition, appendix c provides a matrix of identified gender constraints relevant to each project sub. Using the gender analysis matrix will provide a unique articulation of issues as well as develop gender analysis capacity from the grassroots level up. Visit the writecast podcast player and select episode 38. A common gender equality and social inclusion gesi. Key concepts hegemonic masculinity patriarchal dividend. The gender analysis report comprises contextual information and main findings by each domain of the gender analysis framework. The gender analysis research conducted by the ensure project provides a strong evidence base for government and key stakeholders to implement targeted community based interventions aimed at addressing gender disparities that fuel food and nutrition insecurity in zimbabwe. A process of collecting and analyzing sexdisaggregated data in order to understand gender differences. More specifically, to make the gaf more accessible, the tables below offer topical questions to guide the content of research questions for each domain at each level of the health system for gender analysis.

This document is intended to guide project design teams to integrate gender equality and female empowerment and other inclusive development approaches from beginning to end of the project design process. Gender analysis gender analysis is an organized approach for considering gender issues through the entire process of programme or organizational development. Commissioning a gender analysis elements to consider tool 1. Analysis matrix for identifying fair gender equality policies. Gender assessment and action plan template green climate.

It aims to help users identify and investigate gender issues and to build. It likewise present a template of a gap that the mitigation and adaptation and private sector facility divisions at gcf could share with aesother partners for their use. Public sector management this tool kit assists staff and consultants of the asian development bank adb in conceptualizing and designing gender responsive programs and projects in public sector management psm. Gender analysis tools national democratic institute. This template provides key questions to consider while developing a gender analysis assessment for a particular projectprogram. Gender analysis of the situation of women and children in.

What it is, how to use it, and how to make it work for you. Cmm common monitoring matrix erp enterprise resource planning fht family health team fos field offices. When you use a framework, these values and assumptions will ultimately influence the. This process is known as gender mainstreaming and is widely recognized as an important strategy for achieving equality and equity. The purpose of gender analysis is to ensure that development project and programs fully incorporate the roles, needs, and participation of women and men. Build and strengthen participants skills in gender analysis and mainstreaming. It is one of the most commonly used gender analysis frameworks. Gender analysis is one of the first steps towards this goal. The gender analysis matrix is an analytical tool that uses participatory methodology to facilitate the definition and analysis of gender issues by the communities. Rapid gender assessment save the children international.

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